iBooks.Ge - ელექტრონული წიგნების ონლაინ მაღაზია

Philosophy of Religion

ავტორი: Keith Yandell

1971 წელი | გამომცემელი: iBooks

ფილოსოფია, თანამედროვე, უცხოენოვანი

ფორმატები: pdf
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Philosophy of Religion provides an account of the central issues and viewpoints in the philosophy of religion but also shows how such issues can be rationally assessed and in what ways competing views can be rationally assessed. It includes major philosophical figures in religious traditions as well as discussions by important contemporary philosophers. Keith Yandell deals lucidly and constructively with representative views from Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. This book will appeal to students of both philosophy and religion as well as to the general reader interested in the subject.

Keith Yandell
Keith Yandell

Keith Edward Yandell (16.07.1938-28.04.2020) - American philosopher of religion, professor of philosophy, who is notable by his teaching and writings.