iBooks.Ge - ელექტრონული წიგნების ონლაინ მაღაზია

The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga

ავტორი: Bernie Clark

2012 წელი | გამომცემელი: iBooks

ფილოსოფია, უცხოენოვანი, თანამედროვე

ფორმატები: pdf
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Bernie Clark's The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga provides an in-depth look at the philosophy and practice of Yin Yoga with illustrated sections on how to practice Yin Yoga, including descriptions with photographs of 30 Yin Yoga asanas. All forms of yoga can provide benefits physically, emotionally, and mentally, however Yin Yoga works the deeper levels of the body/heart/mind: the connective tissues of the ligaments, fascia, joints and bones and the energetic channels of the meridians, nerves and blood system. One big difference noticed by students of Yin Yoga is the long-held, passive nature of the posture, which gives time for a deeper journey to unfold, a journey into the meditative aspects of yoga, a bridge to living life mindfully.

Bernie Clark
Bernie Clark

Bernie has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1998. He has a bachelors degree in Science from the University of Waterloo and combines his intense interest in yoga with an understanding of the scientific approach to investigating
the nature of things.