iBooks.Ge - ელექტრონული წიგნების ონლაინ მაღაზია

The Philosophy Of Psychology

ავტორი: George Botterill, Peter Carruthers

1999 წელი | გამომცემელი: iBooks

ფილოსოფია, ფსიქოლოგია, უცხოენოვანი

ფორმატები: pdf
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(1 შეფასება)

This book presents an original and accessible analysis of the relationship between commonsense, or "folk," psychology and contemporary scientific psychology, focusing on the ways in which cognitive science presents a challenge to our commonsense self-image. It is designed as a textbook for upper-level undergraduate and beginning postgraduate students in philosophy and cognitive science, but as a text that not only surveys but advances the debates on the topics discussed, it will also be of interest to researchers working in these areas.

George Botterill, Peter Carruthers
George Botterill, Peter Carruthers

George Steven Botterill (born 8 January 1949) is a Welsh chess player, writer and philosopher;

Peter Carruthers (born 16 June 1952) is a British-American philosopher and cognitive scientist.