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Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to the Present

ავტორი: Seyyed Hossein Nasr

2006 წელი | გამომცემელი: ბიბლიო

ფილოსოფია, რელიგია, უცხოენოვანი

ფორმატები: pdf
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The Quranic revelation is the light which enables one to see. It is like the sun which casts light lavishly. Philosophical intelligence is the eye that sees this light and without this light one cannot see anything. If one closes one’s eyes, that is, if one pretends to pass by philosophical intelligence, this light itself will not be seen because there will not be any eyes to see it.

Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Seyyed Hossein Nasr (/ˈnɑːsər, ˈnæsər/; Persian: سید حسین نصر, born April 7, 1933) is an Iranian philosopher, theologian and Islamic scholar. He is University Professor of Islamic studies at George Washington University.