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MARIA in Operania

ავტორი: Alistair Brown

2023 წელი | გამომცემელი: საქართველოს აკადემიური გამომცემლობა

საბავშვო, დოკუმენტური, უცხოენოვანი

ფორმატები: pdf
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(1 შეფასება)

Godesses are famously beautiful. When one such girl suddenly appeared in an early Bronze Age town near modern Akhaltsikhe from the sky with amazing magical powers, she is assumed to be the daughter of their Moon Godess, Ka-Mar. But, she was actually a tourist to Georgia who accidentally triggered a time-gate from far in their future.

Alistair Brown
Alistair Brown

The Author Alistair Brown was a frequent visitor to the Republic of Georgia from 2010. He assisted in the preparation of theses and articles for publication in the Physics and Archaeology departments at Tbilisi State University. His interest in the early Bronze age in Georgia inspired him to write a series of historical novels. Following the travel restrictions imposed in 2020 he remained in Georgia and turned to writing full time. He now permanently lives in Tbilisi.