- სათაური: The Adventures Of Pinocchio
- ISBN კოდი: 978-9941-8-5727-0
- ავტორი: Carlo Collodi
- გამომცემელი: Pega
- გამოცემის თარიღი: 2023
- ენა: ინგლისური
- გვერდები: 99
- კატეგორია: წიგნები
- ნახვები: 408
- რეიტინგი: 3.5
- Master Cherry found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child
- Master Cherry gives the piece of wood to his friend Geppetto
- The first pranks of the Marionette
- The story of Pinocchio and the Cricket
- Pinocchio is hungry and cooks an egg
- Pinocchio sleeps with his feet on a foot warmer
- Geppetto returns home
- Geppetto makes Pinocchio a new pair of feet, and buys him an ABC book
- Pinocchio sells his ABC book
- The Marionettes recognize their brother Pinocchio
- The Director sneezes and forgives Pinocchio
- Pinocchio meets a Fox and a Cat
- The Inn of the Red Lobster
- Pinocchio and the Robbers
- The Robbers chase Pinocchio and catch him
- The Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair puts the poor Marionette to bed
- Pinocchio eats sugar, but refuses to take medicine
- Pinocchio finds the Fox and the Cat again
- Pinocchio is in prison
- Pinocchio meets a Serpent
- Pinocchio and the Farmer
- Pinocchio discovers the thieves and regains his liberty
- Pinocchio meets a Pigeon
- Pinocchio reaches the Island of the Busy Bees
- Pinocchio wishes to become a good boy
- Pinocchio goes to the seashore
- The great battle between Pinocchio and his playmates
- Pinocchio and the Green Fisherman
- Pinocchio returns to the Fairy’s house
- Pinocchio runs away to the Land of Toys
- Five months of play
- Pinocchio changes into a Donkey
- Pinocchio is a Donkey
- Pinocchio becomes a Marionette once more
- In the Shark’s body
- Pinocchio becomes a boy
Carlo Collodi
გამომცემლობა „პეგა“ თბილისი – 2023
Carlo Collodi - THE ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO. გამომცემ- ლობა „პეგა“, თბილისი, 2023, 99 გვ.
წიგნი შეიცავს კარლო კოლოდის ზღაპრის „პინოკიოს თავგადასავლის“ ადაპტირებულ ტექსტს ინგლისურ ენაზე. ანცი ხის კაცუნა ხვდება სასაცილო სიტუაციებში და სახიფათო თავგადასავლებში, ხვდება ახალ მეგობრებს და ოცნებობს გახდეს ნამდვილი ბიჭი.
წიგნი განკუთვნილია ინგლისური ენის შესწავლის დამწყებთათვის (პირველი დონე - Elementary).
ავტორ-შემდგენელი: ნინა თურმანიძე
© საავტორო უფლებები დაცულია ISBN 978-9941-8-5727-0
Master Cherry found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child
Master Cherry gives the piece of wood to his friend Geppetto
The first pranks of the Marionette
The story of Pinocchio and the Cricket
Pinocchio is hungry and cooks an egg
Pinocchio sleeps with his feet on a foot warmer
Geppetto returns home
Geppetto makes Pinocchio a new pair of feet, and buys him an ABC book
Pinocchio sells his ABC book
The Marionettes recognize their brother Pinocchio
The Director sneezes and forgives Pinocchio
Pinocchio meets a Fox and a Cat
The Inn of the Red Lobster
Pinocchio and the Robbers
The Robbers chase Pinocchio and catch him
The Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair puts the poor Marionette to bed
Pinocchio eats sugar, but refuses to take medicine
Pinocchio finds the Fox and the Cat again
Pinocchio is in prison
Pinocchio meets a Serpent
Pinocchio and the Farmer
Pinocchio discovers the thieves and regains his liberty
Pinocchio meets a Pigeon
Pinocchio reaches the Island of the Busy Bees
Pinocchio wishes to become a good boy
Pinocchio goes to the seashore
The great battle between Pinocchio and his playmates
Pinocchio and the Green Fisherman
Pinocchio returns to the Fairy’s house
Pinocchio runs away to the Land of Toys
Five months of play
Pinocchio changes into a Donkey
Pinocchio is a Donkey
Pinocchio becomes a Marionette once more
In the Shark’s body
Pinocchio becomes a boy
Master Cherry found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child
Centuries ago there lived—
“A king!” my little readers will say immediately.
No, children, you are wrong. It was a piece of wood. It was not an expensive piece of wood. Far from it. Just a common block of firewood that can make cold rooms cozy and warm.
I do not know how this really happened, but one fine day this piece of wood found itself in the shop of an old carpenter. His real name was Master Antonio, but everyone called him Master Cherry. The tip of his nose was so round and red and shiny that it looked like a ripe cherry.
As soon as he saw that piece of wood, Master Cherry enjoyed it.
He mumbled to himself happily:
“Very well. I shall use it to make the leg of a table.”
He grasped the hatchet quickly to peel off the bark and shape the wood. But suddenly he heard a wee, little voice:
“Please be...