iBooks.Ge - ელექტრონული წიგნების ონლაინ მაღაზია

The Art of Assimilation

ავტორი: Joseph Kalandarishvili

2021 წელი | გამომცემელი: საქართველოს აკადემიური გამომცემლობა

უცხოენოვანი, სოციალური, სახელმძღვანელო

ფორმატები: pdf
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The Art of Assimilation for Education is written by and for international students seeking guidance through the U.S. educational system at a collegiate level. The author, Mr. Joseph Kalandarishvili, shares his personal knowledge and success story with you as he contributes important insights into the process and procedure for navigating the educational system specifically for international students coming into the U.S. From necessary federal forms to advice on how to assimilate into the U.S. culturally, Mr. Joseph Kalandarishvili provides clear and concise guidance for you with his unique commentary, perspective, and opinion.

Joseph Kalandarishvili
Joseph Kalandarishvili

Joseph Kalandarishvili provides clear and concise guidance for you with his unique commentary, perspective, and opinion.