iBooks.Ge - ელექტრონული წიგნების ონლაინ მაღაზია

Wolf's Heart

ავტორი: Saday Shakarli

2021 წელი | გამომცემელი: საქართველოს აკადემიური გამომცემლობა


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(1 შეფასება)

This book is prohibited from distribution in the author's homeland in Azerbaijan. – The writer was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment for this novel, and his books were confiscated. – This book was written before Bob Woodword’s book about Donald Tramp. – After being released from the prison the writer was driven out of his country, at present he lives at Refugee Camp in Belgium. – The international organizations on human rights recognized the writer as political prisoner and his name was included to their report. 


Saday Shakarli
Saday Shakarli

Saday Shakarli - Azerbaijani writer and political prisoner who at present lives at Refugee Camp in Belgium. Saday Shakarli is grantholder of Nobel Prize Winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn for life.