Что нужно сделать, чтобы остановить президента России Владимира Путина? Немногие видели его гнев так близко, как британский финансист американского происхождения Билл Браудер, который был крупнейшим иностранным инвестором в России, пока расследование, проведенное его адвокатом Сергеем Магнитским, не выявило масштабную коррупцию и неправомерные действия российских чиновников, вплоть до Путина. После убийства Магнитского в московской тюрьме Браудер продолжал выступать за справедливость, став следующей мишенью Путина. Эту историю он рассказывает в своей последней книге «Арест активов».
Ranging widely across Heidegger's numerous writings, this book displays an impressively thorough knowledge of his corpus, navigating the difficult relationship between earlier and later Heidegger texts, and giving the reader a strong sense of the basic motives and overall continuity of Heidegger's thought.
Introduction to Phenomenology is an outstanding and comprehensive guide to phenomenology. Dermot Moran lucidly examines the contributions of phenomenology's nine seminal thinkers: Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, Arendt, Levinas, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Derrida. Written in a clear and engaging style, Introduction to Phenomenology charts the course of the phenomenological movement from its origins in Husserl to its transformation by Derrida.
«Преступление и наказание» – роман великого русского писателя, мыслителя, философа и публициста Федора Михайловича Достоевского (1821-1881). Написан в 1865-1866 годы. Впервые напечатан по частям в январе-декабре 1866 года в журнале «Русский вестник». Вскоре после окончания журнальной публикации романа Достоевский печатает его отдельным изданием, для которого сделал в тексте значительные сокращения и изменения: три части журнальной редакции были преобразованы в шесть, частично было изменено и деление на главы.
«Знакомим с написанием цифр» - это вспомогательный материал поступающим в школу, который развивает:логическое мышление, мелкие мышцы фаланг кисти, а также знакомит детей с рисунком цифр.
“Introducing writing numbers” (supporting material for school applicants) develops: attention to the pattern, circle the dashes, looking at the sample again, circle the dashes again, proceeding until the end of the line.
Designed for 5-6 year old children fun - in a logical exercise the artist hid the geometric figures and numbers. If alternately you will color all the rectangles yellow and triangles - red you will guess the hidden figure.
В логических упражнениях художник спрятал геометрические фигуры и цифры. Если попеременно раскрасите все четырехугольники в желтый и треугольник - в красный цвет, угадаете спрятанную фигуру.
This book presents an original and accessible analysis of the relationship between commonsense, or "folk," psychology and contemporary scientific psychology, focusing on the ways in which cognitive science presents a challenge to our commonsense self-image. It is designed as a textbook for upper-level undergraduate and beginning postgraduate students in philosophy and cognitive science, but as a text that not only surveys but advances the debates on the topics discussed, it will also be of interest to researchers working in these areas.
The Art of Assimilation for Education is written by and for international students seeking guidance through the U.S. educational system at a collegiate level. The author, Mr. Joseph Kalandarishvili, shares his personal knowledge and success story with you as he contributes important insights into the process and procedure for navigating the educational system specifically for international students coming into the U.S. From necessary federal forms to advice on how to assimilate into the U.S. culturally, Mr. Joseph Kalandarishvili provides clear and concise guidance for you with his unique commentary, perspective, and opinion.
This book is prohibited from distribution in the author's homeland in Azerbaijan. – The writer was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment for this novel, and his books were confiscated. – This book was written before Bob Woodword’s book about Donald Tramp. – After being released from the prison the writer was driven out of his country, at present he lives at Refugee Camp in Belgium. – The international organizations on human rights recognized the writer as political prisoner and his name was included to their report.
მურმან ჭანიშვილი ცენტრალური კომიტეტის გამომცემლობაში მოღვაწეობდა 35 წლის განმავლობაში და არის მრავალი მონუმენტური ტილოს ავტორი. იფინებოდა კავშირის მასშტაბით, ასევე ევროპისა და ამერიკის ტერიტორიაზე. მისი რუსულენოვანი პოეზია ქვეყნდება იმის ნიშნად, რომ ხელოვანს ემორჩილება როგორც ფუნჯი, ასევე კალამი!